The Genuine and Complete Works of Flavius Josephus
The celebrated Warlike, Learned and Authentic
[also known as 'Maynard's Flavius']
by George Henry Maynard, LL. D.
Illustrated with marginal references, and Notes Historical, Biographical, Classical, Critical, Geographical and Explanatory
By the Rev. Edward Kimpton, Vicar of Rogate in Sussex...
LONDON: Printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, Pater-noster Row
[undated, but known to be 1785-1792]
Original copperplate engravings over 230 years old on beautiful chain-laid 18th century paper!
Sheet size: generally 8.75 x 14.125 inches (about 22 x 36 cm) though some trimming may have occured.
Image size varies. Please click on thumbnail images below to assess condition of each plate. |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Philistines depositing the Armour, &c of Saul in the Temple of Ashtaroth |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Grignion |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
King David presenting Uriah with the Letter to Joab, wherein Uriah's fatal Commission was Sealed |
Artist: C. Graves
Engraver: Noble |
![The Prophet Nathan rebuking King David and foretelling the Calamaties that afterwards befel [sic] him](images/Flavius Josephus 1790/2/Prophet-Nathan-c.jpg) |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Prophet Nathan rebuking King David and foretelling the Calamaties that afterwards befel [sic] him |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Grignion |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Assassination of Amnon by order of his Brother Absalom |
Artist & Engraver: unsigned |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Solomon's Wise Judgement |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Warren |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
King Solomon building the Temple of Jerusalem |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Warren |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Feast of the Tabernacles |
Artist: Luykin
Engraver: Grignion |
(see light water stain at top)
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The falling of the Walls of Jericho, burning the City, and destruction of the Inhabitants by the Israelites |
Artist: C. Metz
Engraver: Smith |
(some marginal grubbiness) |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Battle of Ain, & the Destruction of the City, by the Army of Joshua |
Artist: Stothard
Engraver: Blake |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Achar confessing his Sacrilegious Theft and delivering up his plunder in presence of the multitude, previous to his being Stoned to Death |
Artist & Engraver: unsigned |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Gideon's Sacrifice consumed by Fire on being touched by the Staff of the Angel |
Artist: C. Metz
Engraver: Heath |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Fugitive Shechemites Burnt and Suffocated in the Holds of their Retreat by order of King Abimelech |
Artist: C. Metz
Engraver: Blake |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Samson slaying the Philistines with the Jaw bone of an Ass |
Artist: C. Metz
Engraver: Heath |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Dagon the Idol of the Philistines, falling before Ark of God, in the Idolatrous Temple of the City of Ashdod |
Artist: Stothard
Engraver: Grignion |
(see tear at bottom)
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Eleazer by command of Antiochus the Tyrant dragged to the Torture for refusing to eat Swine's Flesh, and sacrifice to Idols |
Artist: Weston
Engraver: Grignion |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Judas Maccabaeus defeats the Samarian Army, and kills Apollonius their General |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Grignion |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Building of the Tower of Babel |
Artist & Engraver: unsigned |
(note odd rub mark in center of image...likely not noticeable once mounted/framed)
![The Parting of Lot and Abraham, after seperating [sic] their Flocks, &c.](images/Flavius Josephus 1790/2/Lot-and-Abraham-c.jpg) |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Parting of Lot and Abraham, after seperating [sic] their Flocks, &c. |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Blake |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Hagar in the Wilderness, having laid her Son Ishmael under a Tree (that she might not see him perish thro want) providentially visited by an Angel, who directs her where to find Relief |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Heath |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Egyptian Midwives drowning the Male Children of the Hebrews |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Tookey |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Pharoah and his Host of Egyptians Drowned in the Red Sea |
Artist: Stothard
Engraver: Morris |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Combined Forces of the Amalekites defeated by Joshua |
Artist & Engraver: unsigned |
$75 |
![Herod the Great in search of Treasure, breaking open the Royal Sepulchre of King David when two of his attendants were Killed by Lightening [sic], during the Sacrilegious Attempt](images/Flavius Josephus 1790/2/Royal-Sepulchre-c.jpg) |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Herod the Great in search of Treasure, breaking open the Royal Sepulchre of King David when two of his attendants were Killed by Lightening [sic], during the Sacrilegious Attempt |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Grainger |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
King Herod rejecting the treacherous Embrace of his Son Antipater, who had formed a Conspiracy against his Life in order to Usurp the Throne |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Tookey |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Ceconia, wife of Caius Caesar the Roman Emperor, while lamenting over the mangled Body of her murdered Husband, discovers Lupus, who by order of Chaereas one of the Tribunes, immediately puts her & her Children to Death |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Grignion |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Thousand Jews Massacred in one Day by the Inhabitants of Damascus |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Grignion |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Josephus in a Cave, after the Siege and Destruction of Jotapata, casting lots with his companions... |
Artist: Ramberg
Engraver: Grainger |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Men of Massada (previous to destroying themselves) Murdering their Wives and Children, to prevent their falling into the hands of the Romans |
Artist: Ramberg
Engraver: Niegel |
$75 |
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